Thursday 9 April 2015

Is Jimmy Hoffa In There?? Marie Kondo to the Rescue!

Hey everyone,

Hi, I'm Tracey and I'm a slobaholic. I've always been a slob, but an organized slob. (Okay, denial isn't just a river in Egypt.) When I got sick a few years ago, my slobbiness (is that a word??) rose to a new high, or shall I say low. I got used to things being messy because I just didn't have the energy, physically or mentally, to give a shit. Hot Husband took over most of the household chores and I helped as much as I could. (I know, he's a saint and hot!) Well, that pesky tumor is gone and it's time to get "my rear in gear" and "get'er done" and any other catch-phrase I can think of that means "get your shit together, Trace!"

Since I am on spring break and have successfully spent the last week working on that permanent body imprint on the couch, it's time to do something productive. I have wanted to do a major overhaul of my bedroom for a while. When I was Sick Tracey (aka SickT), I spent a lot of time in bed when I wasn't at work. I want to take that SickT bedroom and make it a FabulousTracey (aka FabT) one! (Of course, Hot Husband will have to give his approval, too.) I've been reading the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and I am ready to kick some clutter's ass! Or shall I say, joyfully declutter my house.

Now I usually make fun of people that get excited about how to fold a sweater (it's just the way I roll), but this beyotch has it goin' on! Below is one of my favourite YouTubers, DoItOnADime, with her overview of the book and the process:

I will take some before/after pics and film some videos, but just wanted to check in on here first. Anyone want to take this challenge with me?

Til next time,
Tracey (Who puts things in brackets waaaaay too much, but it's what's rattlin' around in my head, people!!)

Monday 6 April 2015

Traceyland Visits the YouTubes! - What's in the Box?? #1

Hey everyone,

I finally got around to rooting through all of those subscription boxes and putting together a summary of what I received in a segment that I like to call, "What's in the Box??" It will be a recurring segment on my Traceyland YouTube channel.  I know, not very original, but if you add a dumb look after you say "What's in the box?", then it is much more entertaining. I also like the vagueness of the title so I can put all kinds of shit in the box and talk about it. See - method, madness, etc...  
Click on the video below for Episode 1 of "What's in the Box??"
 I am presently trying to come up with other topics that I'd like to tackle on my Traceyland YouTube channel. Here are a few options...
1. Who needs a slap?
2. Who's dumber?
3. Why does that person have a rash?
4. Who needs a hug?
5. What the what?

Yes, the options are endless and it keeps my creative juices flowing. Any other segment names are welcomed as are guest appearances. Anyone want to film a segment with me called "Why the hell are you filming this segment with Tracey?"

To recap, here are some pics from the "What's in the Box??" #1

Birchbox - March
Ipsy - Feb
Ipsy - March
Splendies/Volupties - March
Topbox - March
Beauty Joy - Feb
Beauty Joy - March

Well there you have it, folks. That's what was in the box(es) this time! Subscribe to my YouTube channel at or just go to and search for Tracey Land.

Thanks for tuning in!