Friday, 16 January 2015

The Insanity Begins!

Guess what? It's January and I am hoping to live a healthier life this year. (Insert laugh track here). I know, not very original of me. After finally having the surgery last April that helped me not feel like a big bag of poo all of the time, I am ready to make some changes for the better! I promise I won't get all preachy and Gwyneth Paltrow-y on you. I also promise to continue to be sarcastic, inappropriate and overbearing (within limits, of course). It's the way I roll, people.

So what am I thinking about doing? Well, firstly, I need to do something about my skin. It is a mess! Luckily, I've never had acne or skin problems, but many years of neglect have taken a toll on the highway I call my face. I rarely even wash my face. I'm not sure where the makeup goes, but I think it is coming back as wrinkles to haunt me! Although I think I "look good for my age", the wrinkles and creases are starting to get very prominent  and I need to strengthen my skin.

Secondly, I've got to move more. Anyone that knows me can attest to my hyper-active tendancies, however, it doesn't translate into physical activity unless I am walking nonstop in NYC. Hot Husband frequently comments on the body impressions I leave on the couch and I am well known in many parts for my gift of binge-watching tv shows, reading mass amounts of books or spending hours surfing the interwebs while remaining horizontal. Apparently, flapping my gums ad nauseum doesn't qualify as "exercise".
Thirdly, I really need to stop eating so much junk food. Like really need to stop eating so much junk food. Not totally stop eating it, just not eating as much. And as often. And while sitting on the couch binge-watching tv shows for hours/days on end.

My darling children have been wanting to start making Youtube videos about things they are interested in, so I thought I would make some videos myself to chronicle this journey and just have a little fun discussing life along the way. Nothing like seeing yourself on video to highlight all of the things you are hoping to change.

I don't know how often I'll post, but I'll try to keep it light, yet informative, in each entry. Until then, welcome to this crazy place I call "Tracey Land"!


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